Module Seven: Overcoming Procrastination


How often do you find yourself putting things off?

Or are you afraid of failure so you don’t even get started on projects?

If so, you are not alone and it can be quite frustrating when we have all the good intentions and ideas but don’t even get off the starting block to turn them into reality. It blocks our flow of creativity and leads to frustration and anger as we are not doing what we really want to do - no wonder there is so much dissatisfaction associated with our lives and then we create even more suffering by blaming it on others, parents, partners, friends, etc. The reality is that we have not taken charge and we allow procrastination to come in and steal our time.

In this module, we look at what procrastination is and the consequences on our lives. Everyone procrastinates. We put things off because we don’t want to do them, or because we have too many other things on our plate. Putting things off—big or small—is part of being human. Effectively, procrastination steals your time. As we can't bring back time, why not learn how to overcome it? We explore the different types of procrastination and look at the tips to overcome them.

Step 1: Watch the recorded coaching module

Just click the play button on the embedded video and take notes.

Step 2: Download the presentation


Procrastination is a time thief.


Step 3: Allocate time to do the work

Now it is time to become aware of what type of procrastinator you are, consider the consequences on your life, and then follow the tips to change your behaviour. There are some useful tried and tested templates in order to take charge straight away. The end result will be that you get that feeling of accomplishment reducing the frustration of not doing what you want to do.

Coach Advice: "Discover your procrastinator type and investigate the source of it.”

Procrastination is the act of delaying or putting off tasks until the last minute, or past their deadline. Although it has served you for many years in your life, it does have consequences and ultimately it will steal your time. Get real, face reality. Do the work to overcome these obstacles to fulfilling your dreams, then anything is possible and you will inspire others to do the same.


Step 4: Download the templates

In order to help you put some changes in place, templates for investigating the source of procrastination are provided so you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Of course, there are also many apps that can help along the way too and keep you on track, but the important thing is to be consistent with what works for you. Just download each one and print your own copies. Alternatively, you can create your own in Evernote or another note organising app.

Celebrating ADHD run weekly group sessions on each module so you might find it useful to join one of those LIVE online webinars. The benefit of this is that you will start to realise that you are not alone in these struggles with procrastination. We want you to start fulfilling your potential and thriving with ADHD so start listening to our Celebrating ADHD podcast to get some inspiration. There is a recommended episode for each module.

Recommended Podcast for this module:

Recommended Meditation for this module:

This meditation comes from the Buddhist teachings on Non-Self. Although it is often translated into English as, ‘non-self’, the term anatta, or anatman, refers to the insight that nothing in the universe has self-existence, that is, that no entity can exist separate from, or independent of, everything else in the universe. In other words, all things only exist in a context – they are dependent upon all the things that exist around them. ‘Contingency’, is a useful term to convey the meaning of anatta. When we procrastinate we are often worried about how the ‘i’ will look and feel based on the opinions or judgments of others around us. Therefore, by understanding the true meaning of the 'I’ (identity or ego whatever you want to call it) then you will not take yourself so seriously and just give things a go rather than procrastinating. We suggest you practice this meditation daily until you move on to the next module.

Step 5: Book a coaching review or take time out to reflect on yourself

It is important to monitor and track our progress along the way in order to take charge of your ADHD. For example through taking the time out to do this reflection will highlight what is working for and what is not. This will save time in the long term as why to continue doing something that is not working for you and also if something is working for you, then why not do more of it? Therefore, please take this step as it is essential to the journey. You can even book a review session with a professional ADHD coach at a reduced rate below and then an online form will be sent to you in order to prepare for the session.

Monitor and track your progress.

Now it is time to review your module to see what you have learned and what changes you are putting in place. It is advisable that this is booked with one of our professional ADHD coaches.


Module Six: Connecting with the Inner Child


Module Eight: Problem Solving