Think you may have ADHD
but are not sure?

If you are experiencing some of the symptoms in your day to day life, it might be useful to get a formal diagnosis for ADHD.


It is also possible to self diagnose, but you will not be able to access traditional medication as part of a holistic approach to treatment. The important thing is that you raise awareness on how those symptoms are impacting on your life and work to take charge of ADHD rather than it taking charge of you. Find out more about the holistic approach to treating ADHD. If you remain curious, just follow the steps below and book a call in with an adhd coach.

The Disruptors Official Trailer - a documentary film on ADHD



The Disruptors Official Trailer - a documentary film on ADHD. ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed-and widely misunderstood-neurological conditions in the world today, affecting nearly 10% of kids and a rising number of adults. But what if having an ADHD brain is actually an asset? A growing number of innovators, entrepreneurs, CEO’s, Olympic athletes, and award-winning artists have recently disclosed that their ADHD, managed effectively, has played a vital role in their success. The Disruptors takes an immersive look inside our country’s approach to ADHD, debunking the most harmful myths and reframing our perspective on this diagnosis.


Step 1:

Complete the self assessment test


Step 2:

Book your free, 15 minute call now.

Rest assured, there is nothing to fear or have any shame, we just think differently and have many superpowers - a bit like X men and women!

Why not complete a self assessment test and book a call with a professional ADHD coach?

Please note: this is not to replace a formal diagnosis, it is to give you a better understanding of what ADHD actually is.